Pregnancy Without Pounds

Pregnancy Without Pounds

"Stop Gaining Unnecessary Pregnancy Weight And Get Through Pregnancy Feeling Fit, Toned and Healthy"

Did you know that over 50% of pregnant women feel fat, unattractive and don’t enjoy their pregnancy?

Learn the SECRET to looking great, loving pregnancy, and regaining your figure.

Meet Michelle Moss

My name is Michelle Moss. For the past 8 years I’ve been the leading expert online in pregnancy fitness.
I’ve helped thousands of women around the world minimize their weight gain, enjoy their pregnancies, have an easy labor and regain their figures in record time.
It all started when I fell pregnant in April 2002 when I was determined NOT to be like all those unhappy women out there complaining about the last 10-20 pounds of baby weight.
Using my 15 years of experience as a Health and Nutrition Coach, a Masters Degree in Holistic Nutrition, a Kinesiology Diploma, Psychology Degree, a Personal Training Certificate and speaking to many leading industry experts, I finally found the answers to ALL of my questions.
Today I’m happy to share with you my FORMULA for successful weight maintenancepregnancy and body sculpting specifically for pregnant and new moms.
Author of "Pregnancy without Pounds"


I had SO MANY questions. These were just a few...

• How much weight "should" I gain? Am I gaining weight too fast?

• What exercises are safe for pregnancy and what can I do to stay toned?

• Which foods should I eat? Which do I need to avoid?

• How can I prevent stretch marks, sagging breasts and cellulite?

• What do I need to do to have an easy delivery?

• What should I be doing now to speed up my weight loss after?
Here's just some of what I found...

Most New Moms Let Themselves Go...pregnancy

They indulge in their cravings, stop exercising and use pregnancy as an excuse to eat the house – I've got to admit even as health conscious as I was, chocolate sundaes we're just too tempting!
Do you find yourself making excuses like "Well if I'm craving it, then it may have something in it that the baby needs." While sometimes this is true - but it can also be dead wrong. I decided to crack the craving puzzle. I found that while there are some cravings that are GOOD and do tell you what you are lacking in your diet. Others are a sign of a poor diet or overindulgence. For instance if you're craving foods with a lot of sodium, it's probably a sign that you are eating too many foods that are high in sugar. Once I learned the code, it was SO MUCH EASIER to handle the cravings and deal with them in the right way.
Nutrition plays a big role in how you feel during pregnancy. There’s no denying it, when you have a big belly, feel nauseous and have aches and pains – the last thing you feel like doing is getting up off the couch to cook a healthy meal or even think about what you should be eating. And really that’s why most pregnant women gain more weight than they should and feel downright miserable during pregnancy. They don't take care of themselves!
The facts show that the baby will take what it needs from the mother, even if that means taking calcium from their bones or depleting their iron reserves making them anemic. So really if you want to take care of yourself, you must get all the nutrients you need to grow your baby from the food you eat and not your body reserves. If you do this you will feel GREAT during pregnancy and possibly even avoid morning sickness, hair loss, and other negative pregnancy side effects.
Sounds great doesn't it, but you may be thinking. Great, now I have to spend a ton of time figuring out what to eat and start eating foods that I don't like. That's NOT true. I've done the research and can show you simple changes to your diet that will make you feel incredible.
It's true that...most pregnancy books are all about the BABY. They will tell you to eat an extra 300 calories and to exercise – but that’s about it. It took me a long time to find information about exactly WHAT I could or should do with any detail.
Even though I was an “expert” in non-pregnancy fitness, I had TONS to learn about “pregnancy + fitness”. I remember trying to find out HOW I should modify my exercise routine for my pregnancy – what was safe to do and what I needed to AVOID.
Wow, you think it would be easy to find simple tips like - don’t lift over your head or lie on your back after the first trimester, but no one seemed to give you an easy routine to follow.
And what about abdominal muscles? I knew how to work them, but I didn’t know EXACTLY what I could or couldn’t do now that I was exercising for two.
I can remember my confusion. Questions kept popping into my head. And it wasn’t just around exercise - I remember having questions about herbal teas, fish, left-overs, hair dye.... I often couldn’t find straight answers.

I Knew There Had To Be A Better Way...

So, being the information hound that I am, I went looking for answers. I found that most of the fashionable pregnancy books were either too medical (making me more anxious and nervous) or too superficial (not giving me enough practical advice).
I also realized that the general feeling out there is that pregnancy is a struggle and that pregnant women gain tons of weight, wear over-sized shirts because they feel fat and frumpy, and have about as much energy as a snail on sleeping pills.
Not me! I was determined to LOOK good and have TONS of energy during my pregnancy. I was also going to be FREE of aches and pains. I was going to dress sexy and of course have an easy time losing my pregnancy weight after I delivered my baby.
Being a coach – I realized that I would have to CREATE my OWN pregnancy program if I was going to be a HEALTHY and SEXY pregnant mama!
I definitely knew that it could be done and I actually DID it!
It was only after I had my baby and started talking to other pregnant women that I realized – a LOT of them were asking the same questions that I had already found the ANSWERS to.
I had an easy and incredibly effective recipe that I could share. So I created...

Pregnancy Without Pounds™

Who said staying in shape and looking good during pregnancy has to be HARD?
This proven program will get you through your pregnancy in better shape than most other women in as little as 27 minutes a day and with minimal effort. It contains all the information that I believe will HELP you to look and feel like I did – barefoot and beautiful!
Inside you will learn EXACTLY how to avoid unwanted pounds, overcome your food cravings, care for your skin, dress to kill and look like one Hot Mama. I’ve also put together FIFTY simple, yet extremely effective "pregnancy-friendly" exercises and stretches to keep you and your body looking and feeling GREAT (includes 3 different fitness programs depending on YOUR fitness level)!
Here's What One Satisfied Mom Had To Say About Pregnancy without Pounds™
testimonial photo"I loved the book. Read it all last night! It's tough to teach me anything about fitness that I don't already know. I have been in fitness for 22 years, have taught choreography and strength training at group fitness conventions in over 25 countries and have an MA in Health Education. I usually have to go to the World conference to get updated. Books rarely give me new info, but Michelle did a great job and I learned TONS from her. Well worth the money!!
—Pam Cosmi, 
Masters in Exercise Science & Health Education
Michigan , USA

Let Me Give You A Quick Peek At What's Inside the Book

Here are just some of the secrets I share with you:
• How to avoid gaining weight in all the WRONG places… Hint - it’s in the body type and Yes you can do something about it……pg.04

• Which specific core strengthening exercises will make your labor easier……pg.38

• How to speed up your post-partum weight loss (easily!)……pg.08

• 10 steps to stop the cellulite invasion ……pg.66

• What to eat to reduce food cravingspuffy face and varicose veins……pg.44

• 10 Tips for fighting pregnancy acne……pg.64

• A key dietary supplement that WILL reduce your appetite, elevate your mood and decrease your cravings (this one is HUGE!)……pg.54

• 5 proven ways to PREVENT sagging breasts……pg.69
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There is so much more inside. But the bottom line is, are you ready to take action and make a promise to your body and baby that you are going to take care of them and have a healthy pregnancy? By following my step-by-step approach in Pregnancy Without Pounds you WILLhave a better pregnancy and easier labor, look fantastic and lose your weight QUICKER after the baby is born. Sound good? Well it is. And I can show you how.
I bet you're thinking, "This can't really work" or "it's too good to be true" - I mean honestly, my husband didn't believe that I would actually be able to stay in shape while I was pregnant, not to mention shake off the excess weight in mere months after delivery - that is until he saw the results (I really had a hard time keeping him at bay). But seriously, if I could do it, so can you!
Take a look at a few of these success photos that were sent to me. These are real women who used my system...
Helena Surowlec's Success Story 
before and after birth photosbefore and after birth photos
"It's Helena Surowlec, 32 years old mother of 3 children from New Jersey. Thanks for your Pregnancy Without Pounds program and amazing support during my pregnancy.
Thank you!"

Gwendolyn's Success Story

before and after birth photosbefore and after birth photos
Pregnant with TwinsAfter
"I had twins in August! I was on bedrest for the last month of my pregnancy which made me gain more weight than I wanted. Nevertheless, with Mommy Without Pounds advice - diet and exercise, I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight!

Lynn Parker's Success Story

before and after birth photosbefore and after birth photos
38 Weeks Pregnant3 Weeks After
"Thank you, Michelle, for helping me to have a wonderful pregnancy!! Though I was already a marathon/ultra-marathon runner before I got pregnant, I used your nutrition guide to help me maintain my activity level and maintain my baby’s health!
I ended up having a c-section after 86 hours of natural labor because my frame was too small to pass a baby. I continued with your program once I got home. I was back on the treadmill in 3 days, back to my normal weight within 8 days and running 5Ks within 2 weeks! All of your ab/core exercises were EXTREMELY HELPFUL AND RIGHT ON THE MONEY!! As mentioned, my frame is very small and my baby was very big (for me) but I sustained MINIMAL abdominal split and was able to get them repaired within 2 weeks time! The whole series was worth the money to have found core exercises that REALLY WORK!!!
I am 10 weeks post-delivery and will be running my 16th marathon this weekend. I attribute my health and strength during pregnancy to your guide and wanted to thank you so much for all that you are doing to help other pregnant mothers out there!!
Thank you, again!!"

Hannah Henley's Success Story

before and after birth photosbefore and after birth photos
"Thanks for the great pregnancy without pounds exercise program. Take a look at my before and after pictures."
Hannah Henley

Amy Metz's Success Story

before and after birth photosbefore and after birth photos
"This is me one week before and 7 weeks after I delivered my first daughter. I am 43 years old and followed your Pregnancy Without Pounds program of working out, eating right. I have to say that I found the exercises to be a savior for stress during and after the arrival of our blessing! So good luck to all those moms and moms to be - and get moving!"
Amy Metz

pregnancy weight lossYES, it's true!
But even so, I don't want you to simply take my word for it. Here's what a handful of other women just like yourself have been saying about the Pregnancy Without Pounds™program's power and effectiveness:
" Hi Michelle,
Just wanted to say how excited I was to first find your website... I am a mother of 3 boys and expecting my fourth child so I have done a LOT of reading out there about pregnancy (I am always fascinated by the miracle of each pregnancy and the changes my body goes through), but I have got to tell you how thrilled I am with how practical and honest and helpful your material is!
After my 3rd boy (he was 11lbs at birth) I was about 25lbs overweight. It took me a long time to find a program that I could stick with in order to lose the weight. I am so glad that your books have such great nutritional and exercise informationand I am optimistic about taking control of my "hot mommy" body all through this pregnancy and after. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and giving pregnant women hope that there is a great body to be found after baby!"
—Tanya Lemcke
Ontario , Canada

before and after birth photos"During the pregnancy with Jorja, I somehow managed to gain 23 kilos.... a huge amount! I was horrified! I had been watching my diet and walking as often as I could... but still the kilos kept on coming! Jorja is now 4 months old and I have lost 25 kgs! I now weigh less than when I got pregnant! I am surprised and thrilled! I thought that with being an older mum (35yrs) this time round, the weight would be with me forever... I'm so glad I was wrong!
Thank you for all your help and inspiration :)"
—Kelly McFadyen

I just want to say thank you...THANK YOU!! I'm a physically fit person to begin with, but was nervous for my health and the health of my child. During the first 7 weeks of my pregnancy I felt tired and fat. I was depressed about the way I looked and the way I felt about myself. Just BLAH all the time. As soon as I began your exercises and stretches, I began to feel better about myself. It's not even about feeling fat and unattractive anymore. I have more energy, I feel healthy and overall feel better about myself. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! :)
—Nikki Charriere 
Virginia, USA

" ..My sister bought me your book online yesterday and I LOVE it, it is great! I wish I had known about it before because I would've bought it for ALL of my friends last year when they were ALL pregnant! I am on Chapter 3 about the exercises, I can't seem to put the book down. I just wanted to say THANK YOU. I really am enjoying the book so far.
—Michelle Côté
Quebec, Canada

"..Michelle, Thank you so much for your e-book. I haven't been able to put it down. I'm also asking my husband to read it - so he remembers everything just in case I'm doing something that I shouldn't....he needs to remind me!
—Lisa Choi 
California, USA

"OK Michelle, What's The Cost For This Incredible System?"

Let's do a quick comparison here, last time I looked, a home gym or even one of those "stair steppers" would set you back over $1000 and almost everyone I know who bought one uses it as a glorified clothes rack before they get any real use out of it anyway. Alternatively you could easily pay between $50 and $75 a month for a gym membership that you'd probably use a few times (that's more than $500 a year!!).
You could also hire a personal trainer and nutrition coach like myself to work with you. I currently charge a minimum of $100 an hour for personal training alone. So 3 workouts per week with me, plus coaching could run you anywhere from $1200-$1500 a month. That’s why I developed a program that’s affordable and you can do in the comfort of your own home. That’s right – you do NOT have to go anywhere to follow my program. No stinky gyms, uncomfortable exercise clothes or frustration finding a parking space. You’ll save precious time and get hundreds of dollars worth of my expertise and training at your disposal.
So what would that be worth to you? A thousand dollars? Maybe even more?
For most pregnant woman, I know that would be PRICELESS.
But not to worry, I'm NOT going to charge you anything near that price or even my hourly fee. Just the POSSIBILITY of achieving this kind of success with your pregnancy is what motivates me. That’s why I’ve lowered the price, so your total investment is only $79.85(this is a limited time offer). As I mentioned before that is a really good deal, but if that doesn't fit in the budget we also have a 3 Payment Plan for only $27.95. In fact that's much less than one single month's membership at a gym and without the hassles. Besides what gym have you ever heard of that gives you a money-back guarantee?
I am so confident that you will love my program that I'm going to let you try Risk Free for 30 days. If you’re not completely satisfied, just ask for a refund and we will give it to you, no questions asked.

Try it Risk FREE for 30 Days!

pregnancy weight lossYES Michelle! I'm ready to:
  • Avoid gaining weight in the wrong places
  • Discover how to make my labor easier
  • Speed up my post-partum weight loss
  • Stop the "Cellulite Invasion"
  • Reduce my food cravings, puffy face and varicose veins
  • Fight pregnancy acne
  • Prevent sagging breasts, and
  • In short, start Looking Good & Feeling Great!
I understand that I will get the complete Pregnancy Without Pounds™ Kit containing the Pregnancy Without Pounds™ eBook, the Exercise Manual, the Exercise Journal, the Weight Gain Chart Manager, and access to the Pregnancy Without Pounds Forum where I can chat with other pregnant moms. I will receive all this when I order "Pregnancy Without Pounds" - the ultimate Feel Good, Look Great Pregnancy Kit.
order now

So what's the catch? Why am I practically giving this program away?

Well, it's quite simple really. Since you'll be downloading the kit directly from the internet, I have no inventory and fulfillment costs. I don't need to pay anyone to take orders over the phone and this way I can pass along my cost savings to you.
So you win and I win. But don't worry, downloading the kit is an absolute breeze - I'm not a "tech geek" and I had no problem. (the ebook is a PDF file for use with the free Adobe Acrobat program available from for PC or Mac), or you can download as an "executable" file that will work on your PC with no special software required. (The exercise and weight gain tools do require Microsoft Excel to use, as they include formulas and other spreadsheet functions). Of course if you prefer, I also have a CD version available which can be shipped to you (makes a fantastic baby